Robert Echeverria
Robert Echeverria (Credit: LawEnforcemenToday)
Robert Echeverria was an officer for the NYPD for 25 years, and was also a war veteran. On August 14th, 2019, Robert allegedly took his own life with his pistol. He was 56 years old at the time of death.
His wife called the police following the gunshots. When police arrived, Robert was not responsive, laying on his bedroom floor. The gun was laying on the bed next to him.
Eileen Echeverria, his sister, told the NYPD that Robert might be a danger to himself. Following this, his weapons were confiscated. They were later returned to him.
Robert worked with the Strategic Response team, and may have also had knowledge about the Anthony Weiner laptop.
Suicide Number 9
Robert was found in his bedroom by his wife, in their home in Laurelton, New York (map).
He left behind an 18 year old son, and an 11 year old daughter. More information on his personal life can be found here at DefenseMaven.
There have been 8 other deaths in the NYPD in the last few months. Just one day prior to Roberts death, NYPD officer Johnny Rios was found dead from a gunshot wound in his home.
(I will link the other officers here when complete)