Rachel Chandler (Rough Draft)

Rachel Chandler (Credit: Purple.fr)

Rachel Chandler (Credit: Purple.fr)

Rachel “Ray” Chandler-Guinness is another “Madam” tied to the Jeffrey Epstein and his Pedophile Island. She is currently based out of New York.

She was born in 1988, but her origins are fairly hidden, and information is scarce. However, she is the daughter of the Chandler Family that owned the Los Angeles Times. Evidence shows that she was also raised in the world of Child Trafficking, and the name “Chandler” is used as code-word for “Child Handler".

Rachel graduated in 2005 from the Brentwood School in Los Angeles. Her first job was at the Standard Hotel (Will Cover in Depth and link here), which is now known to be a front for Child Trafficking.

She married Tom Guinness in 2012, who is a well-known Stylist in the United Kingdom. Their first wedding was family only, held in Los Angeles, California. Vogue covered both weddings, her Standard Wedding in L.A for her family, and her Shamanic Wedding in the United Kingdom for her friends.

A Murky Past

Chandler started out as a child sex slave working at the Standard Hotel in New York. She would partake in “Purple Night”, the color representative of mind control, in the “BoomBoomRoom” at the Standard Hotel.

With her connections she was able to fund her Photography and DJ careers before establishing the Midland Agency.

The Midland Agency was co-founded by Rachel Chandler and Walter Pearce in September of 2016. The agency is publicly known as a casting and modeling agency based out of New York.

They search for young talent, but the Midland Agency is a front that is used to attract new children and teens into the world of Child Trafficking. This becomes a common theme in the Fashion, Art, and Entertainment industries.

Children that are shipped to or from North America become labeled as “Living Art”. There are also laws in place banning the inspection of shipping containers containing live art. Allowing for Child Trafficking on a Global Scale.

Rachel Chandler and Walter Pearce (Credit: Midland.Agency)

Rachel Chandler and Walter Pearce (Credit: Midland.Agency)

A New Madam

Bill Clinton and Rachel Chandler on the Lolita Express (Credit: QMAP)

Bill Clinton and Rachel Chandler on the Lolita Express (Credit: QMAP)

Rachel Chandler and Bill Clinton had this photo taken on the plane owned by Jeffrey Epstein, The Lolita Express (Will Cover This and Link Here When Complete). Bill traveled to Epstein’s Island roughly 26 times.

The Clinton’s are not the only ones with connections to Chandler. Celebrities like Eminem, P Diddy, and others have also been seen with the under-aged Chandler.

As a Madam, she blackmailed several high level people across the globe. Many can be found in the Little Black Book from the Lolita Express.

She also frequents California, New York, and the United Kingdom, which are all hot-spots for Child Trafficking. Chandler is so well connected that she even has ties to the Royal Family, such as Prince Andrew.


The Instagram account belonging to Rachel Chandler was quickly hidden around the same time the PizzaGate story broke. Luckily, anonymous users scoured through her page and took screenshots before that happened.

The account is most known for the security camera images from underneath the Temple on Little Saint James Island. This links back to the “Caris James” story and the Jimmy Comet Instagram account.

You can see her at 16 with Eminem, at 14 with P. Diddy, and has ties to others like Paris Hilton, Prince Andrew, Ghislaine Maxwell, Richard Gere, and many others. She was also the stylist for Hillary Clinton when she was covered in Vogue Magazine.

Notice the Richard Gere post has a Camera and Pedophile Symbol in the comments. (I will cover others connected to her instagram and link it here when complete)

100X Worse

Allison Mack (Credit: yahoo.com)

Allison Mack (Credit: yahoo.com)

The name Chandler started circulating more and more as Qanon began bringing her up in his drops. Pointing toward the Clintons, Epstein, and a group called NXIVM. Visit QMap,pub and search “Allison Mack” or “Ray Chandler” for every drop related to them.

NXIVM was run by Keith Raniere, and Allison Mack from the television series “SmallVille”. Posing as a self help group, Allison would find young vulnerable women to add into the program. The group held women in confinement, forced rituals on them, and even burned the leaders initials into their skin. (I will cover NXIVM more in depth and link here).

Qanon states that Rachel Chandler is 100X Worse than Allison Mack.

The Centerpiece

Rachel Chandler is a centerpiece for the entire Deep State Elite. She connects the Clintons and their Foundation, Jeffrey Epstein, The Royal Family, Hollywood, and Government Leaders around the world. She references Spirit Cooking, tying her to Marina Abramovic and PizzaGate. She was photographed with Prince Andrew and Ghislaine Maxwell. Hollywood connects her to James Rothschild, through Paris Hilton’s sister Nicky marrying him. Her family owning the Los Angeles Times for over 100 Years, and getting her start at the Standard Hotel Chain.

(I will cover all of these people in depth and link their names here)

Rachel Chandler (Credit: Archive.is)

Rachel Chandler (Credit: Archive.is)

Resources and Gallery


Great Saint James (Rough Draft)


Little Saint James