Seth Rich
Seth Rich (Credit: Washington Examiner)
Seth Conrad Rich was born January 3rd, 1989, and passed away on July 10th, 2016, at the age of 27. He worked with the Democratic National Committee, or DNC. More specifically he handled voter expansion for the DNC. Seth was working under Hillary Clinton in her 2016 Presidential run, just prior to his murder.
Here is the full Seth Rich Obituary
Seth was allegedly behind the DNC email leak in 2016, where just over 44,000 emails, and 17,000 attachments, were released to the public on Wikileaks. He originally made contact with Wikileaks through a man named Gavin Macfadyen, who is also now deceased.
Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks, has also hinted that Seth RIch is the source of the leaks, and not Russia.
Botched Robbery?
After leaving Lou’s City Bar in Washington D.C (map) around 1:15 am, Seth began walking home. Although, a few hours are missing, as he did not make it close to his home, a few blocks away, until after 4 am.
On the way home, he called a classmate, his father Joel Rich, and his girlfriend Kelsey Mulka.
Kelsey was on the phone with Rich the moment before the murder. She heard their voices, but Seth reassured her that he was almost home. Nothing was taken from his body, but he was shot twice. His hands, knees, and face were also severely bruised.
An ambulance rushed him to the hospital, but he was pronounced dead almost two hours later. His murder was not investigated any further, and existing investigations were shut down by D.C Police and the FBI.
According to Qanon, the gang MS-13, was hired by the DNC to assassinate, or “187”, Seth Rich. The DNC leader at the time was Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, who was removed after the email leaks.