Origin of PizzaGate
Photo Credit: James Sullivan and Drew Angerer
During the 2016 Presidential race, emails belonging to Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, and the Democratic National Committee were hacked into, and then leaked to Wikileaks. Over 100,000 emails were released to the public.
Starting on March 16th, 2016, 28,047 emails belonging to Hillary Clinton were published. More than 50,000 attachments were included as well. Last updated February 18th, 2018.
Starting on July 22nd, 2016, a total of 42,806 emails belonging to the DNC were published. Last updated December 21st, 2018.
Starting on October 7th, 2016, a total of 48,889 emails belonging to John Podesta were published. Last updated November 9th, 2016.
John Podesta
Barack Obama and John Podesta (Credit: Pete Souza)
John Podesta was the Chief of Staff for Bill Clinton, counselor to Barack Obama, and the Campaign Manager for Hillary Clinton’s failed 2016 Presidential run. John, along with his brother Anthony (Tony) Podesta, founded the Podesta Group, a political lobbying firm based out of Washington D.C. It was established in 1988, but John left the group in 1993 to work for Bill Clinton in the White House. Tony left the group on October 30th, 2017, when he was implicated in the Russian Collusion Investigation led by Robert Mueller and the FBI.
Now, upon further research, these emails used a code developed by pedophiles to locate, and communicate with each other. In 2007, the FBI released a six page document outlining this code.
FBI Pedophile Code
FBI Pedophile Code (Credit: Wikileaks)
The full six page report can be read here: FBI Pedophile Code Words.
These code words are scattered throughout the Wikileaks email archive, with most belonging to John Podesta. If you search “pizza” for example, there are 199 emails belonging to Podesta, 105 belonging to the DNC, and 17 belonging to Hillary Clinton. Just remember that pizza is usually referring to a female child.
Several emails were linked to a man by the name of James Alefantis. He is the owner of Comet Pizza and Ping Pong, and was named the 49th most powerful person in Washington D.C. according to GQ Magazine.
This is where the term PizzaGate was created. However, this is only the beginning. The email leaks exposed a much larger pedophile network working behind the scenes. The mainstream media is complicit, and attempted to cover up the entire scandal.