Covid-19 (Work in Progress)
Covid 19 (Credit: CDC)
Covid 19, or Corona Virus, is an infectious disease that originated in Wuhan, China. Beginning in 2019, the virus spread globally within a few months. The virus was classified as Sars-Cov-2, with symptoms that resemble pneumonia.
The mortality rate of the virus is under 1%, even with the overall total death toll being heavily inflated. Despite this, governments are forcing quarantines on their citizens, shutting down economies, and arresting anyone disregarding the new mandates.
Mainstream media outlets have been intentionally misleading about the virus and its impact. They have been faking death numbers, creating propaganda, and silencing any opposing views.
Wuhan Virus
Wuhan, China (map) is the epicenter of the virus. Starting as early as November 2019. Infected meat from a bat being sold in a wet market is considered the “official” cause of the virus.
Researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology were studying a strain of the Corona virus that is commonly found in wild bats. It is possible that the bat virus was modified, since it is only a 96% match to the current Covid-19 outbreak.
Charles Lieber, the chairman of chemistry and chemical biology at Harvard University, was being funded by the Chinese government. (Will add more info on him soon)
The New Hoax
President Donald Trump (Credit: KGET)
President Trump set up a Corona Virus task force in January, when we were told of the virus. Vice President Pence was appointed to lead this task force. This was at the same time Speaker Nancy Pelosi was holding the impeachment hearings.
Travel to and from China was restricted, and supplies were provided wherever they were needed. Trump even donated his quarterly salary to help fight the Corona virus.
During a press briefing, Trump stated that the Corona virus was the “Democrats new hoax", but he was not referring to the virus in general. This comment was focused on media coverage in relation to the virus, and how it is being used to push a political agenda. This is more evident considering the democrats are starting a second impeachment investigation for Trumps response to the virus.
China Lied, People Died
Chinese President Xi Jinping (Credit: Ripples Nigeria)
China has been caught lying about the origin and severity of the corona virus on several occasions. The outbreak was not reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) by the Chinese government was not until December 31st, 2019.
However, the first case was reportedly on November 17th, 2019. Despite knowing of the virus, the Chinese still allowed international travel to and from Wuhan.
The bat soup scenario was a distraction, as the first case had no contact with the wet market. More than 40 cases of corona were present at the time the bat soup theory was circulating. The majority were not in contact with previously infected people either. The WHO downplayed the severity of the new virus, even stating that it is not contagious between people.
Inflated Death Toll
CDC (Credit: Mercola)
For the first time in over 50 years, the CDC sent instructions to doctors on how to classify covid deaths. A positive test is not required to mark someone as a Covid death.
“It is important to emphasize that Coronavirus Disease 2019 or COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death”- The CDC. The amount of deaths decreased on May 1st 2020, to a total of 37,308 recorded deaths in the United States. This is down from roughly 65,000 deaths recorded by the end of April.
CDC Covid Death Certificate Instructions
Not all experts agree on the severity or cause of the Corona virus. Only one narrative is being echoed through the media. Off Guardian has compiled 12 expert opinions that goes against the narrative.
Gates Foundation
Bill Gates with Anthony Fauci (Credit: Flickr)
Bill Gates has recently been in the news pushing for a new vaccine to combat the Corona virus.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) has been involved in several scandals across the globe. The more notable ones include Gardasil and the MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) vaccines. The BMGF was sued by India for misrepresenting their vaccines and their side effects. Poorer countries are hit the hardest by this, as most do not have access to the proper information.
Event 201 was an exercise in pandemic response that was held in New York on October 18th, 2019. It was hosted by the BMGF, John Hopkins University, and the World Economic Forum. The alleged first case of Corona virus started the same month in China. A disclaimer was added to their website in an attempt to protect themselves from criticism.
Health Impact News: BMGF Vaccine Empire on Trial in India
Vaccine Genocide Exposed: Exposing Bill Gates Criminal Psychopathology
Ballot Harvesting
Mail-In Voter Fraud (Credit: NBC)
The fear and panic created by the media is intentional. The Corona virus is being used to push for ballot harvesting for the 2020 presidential election. This voting method is highly susceptible to voter fraud, as anyone can mail in a ballot with a different name. Back in 2016 there were several reports of boxes containing ballots that were being destroyed, or were blank to have the vote changed later. Cases like this can be found in just about every election, and in every state.
The military uses mail-in ballots while they are deployed overseas. This is being used as justification for mail-in votes to be used by every state. In 2009, the Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment (MOVE) Act was presented and passed.
Senator Chuck Schumer sponsored both the First Version, and Second Version of the Move Act. One part of the bill removes the need for ballots to be verified as legitimate.
The democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi, postponed the federal relief package so that they could get additional items added in. The additions included a $38,000 raise for themselves. The entire bill can be read on They included other items as well, like the Kennedy Center which received $25 million in government funding, but fired their employees shortly after. As of May 9th, 2020, the democrats have yet to approve additional funding to small businesses while many Americans are struggling during quarantine.
5G Corona Theory
5G and Covid-19 (Credit: MSN)
There are several different theories claiming that new 5G technology is causing the Corona virus. The most common argument is that the radiation from 5G towers is crippling your immune system. Radiation sickness can cause a myriad of symptoms that resemble the Corona virus. More information on symptoms can be found here on WebMd: Radiation Sickness.
A second theory suggests that the virus is non-existent, and that all the symptoms are directly related to 5G radiation and the electrical field it creates. Maps of where 5G has been implemented do match up to where corona virus hit the hardest. However, other areas covered with 5G towers are not seeing any cases of corona. It is always possible that those areas were not activated yet. Most cases tend to be in big cities with large populations, making it easier to spread.
A third theory suggests the corona virus is a distraction for the installation of 5G. In an effort to cover-up the installation of these networks, the media has only focused on the virus.
Judy Mikovitz, Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci (Credit: Utah Gun Exchange)
Dr. Judy Mikovitz is the focus of Plandemic, a documentary interview exposing the dark agenda behind Covid-19. She first started to expose Anthony Fauci in 1983, and now has new evidence in relation to covid-19.
The first part of the film is on, where you can support Mikovitz, and sign up for alerts regarding the film.
Mainstream media outlets are attempting to discredit Mikovitz, and the film, labeling all of it a conspiracy theory. The information presented in the film is currently being heavily censored.
TRU News presented the movie on their website, followed by an exclusive interview with Mikovitz. Part 1: Film and Interview and Part 2: Follow-up Audio Interview.
Creating Propaganda
The Mainstream Media has been exposed several times for using fake images and videos. CBS was using video footage taken from Italy to push the “war-zone hospitals” narrative. Conservative US posted the video comparison on their site.
If our hospitals are over-crowded, why not show actual footage? In an effort to expose these lies, #FilmYourHospital began trending. People across the country began filming hospitals near their homes, only to find most of them were almost empty. This includes hospitals in heavily populated areas of New York, the epicenter of the virus in the United States.
Mass graves were also being shown during the pandemic, stating that covid victims would be buried in them due to overflow in the city morgues. The photos and video used were actually from Hart Island, New York. Even CNN had to clarify that the mass grave was already there for over 150 years. Over 100,000 bodies are buried there, with more every day. The grave only includes people who were not claimed after their deaths, and who have no remaining family.
CBS Fake Footage from Italy (Credit: Conservative US)
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